Thursday, June 7, 2007

Fertile Sounds: DUOS

I just checked the fishbon blog and found they posted a bunch of new pics from the concert we just had.

Check 'em out at

Here's a sampling from the concert:

Lotsa closeup shots for some reason.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

New Directions

So I'm starting a blog. I've been working a lot lately in my room producing music that no one will ever hear and figured I would love a place to post some of these improvised sessions that I've been creating and a blog just seemed right. Not to mention the recent direction I've been taking in interactive music and AI. Providing MP3s alone on a website just doesn't really cut it.

Anyway, here it is. Hope you enjoy.

To kick things off I figured I'd post a pic of the setup in my studio/bedroom for my latest piece. A "Maestro" electric violin (left), a Behringer knob box (center left),my laptop running Max/MSP (center) and an assortment of metal tools for use with the violin (right) This is also the setup I've been using for electronic improvisations. More about that later though.